While on our weekend away Gabe and I wondered into a few antique shops before stumbling on the find of the day. A Canon A1 circa 1980 with a 50 mm 1.4 for $40.
Today I saw my first roll of film from this camera. My expectations were low as the camera tech warned us that the lens was not functioning beyond f1.4. This, was told to us after I shot an entire roll.
We anticipated each frame to be drastically over-exposed. As you can see here, that is not the case. Maybe they had some magic machine that managed to save my film. Whatever the case, I’m happy.
Gabe is to blame for my rekindling love of film. Last year he picked up his Pentax and shot a few rolls. The images that came from that camera remain to be my favorite pictures of our kids – as you can imagine we have a few (hundred thousand) pictures of those three so that is saying quite a lot. Digital photography, in my opinion, has yet to capture the depth of color that is visible in film.
Wednesday we talked endive. I shot identical shots, one digital and one film. Compare.

film (scan, processing done by Panda Lab in Seattle. Besides some very minor cropping, I did no retouching)
Now granted I need to work on the manual focus of my new camera but don’t you see the difference?
While I’m not planning on making the jump to film I do really love to have the option. Digital and film both have pros and cons and I get giddy shooting with either.
So I thought it might be fun to regularly share a few film shots with you. If you’ve been around here for awhile you may have noticed that I’m not so good at keeping up with blog series’ that I start. So while I’d love to assure you there will be a film photo every Friday I wouldn’t hold your breath. Especially since said camera is now in the shop for 3-5 days while she gets a full inspection. And also, said film camera requires film and processing that requires cash.
Regardless, I hope you enjoy them and most likely, there will be more – I just don’t know when.

Happy Weekend!
Your photos look so amazing …
Wow! It has been so long since I shot film, I am kind of in love with the idea. The color is spectacular. Thanks for sparking an interesting project!
Regardless of the outcome, I’ll bet you had a really good time playing with this “antique”. I have a fabulous Minolta with a wonderful zoom lens on it from years ago. I should probably get some of that old fashioned film and take some shots!! Thanks!
Wow, impressive, and for $40?! Great find. I’ve tinkered with the idea of shooting film, but like you said, takes cash. I bet your shots are more thought out, though. Instead of shooting 300, most of which aren’t worth keeping, you carefully snap 24. Hm, and less time to process? Definitely a cool option.
I absolutely love shooting with my old pentax. It really makes me stop and think before just snap, snap, snapping away and even though it can be costly I try to shoot everything for my blog with film. For me, nothing beats the depth and color of a film photo and I hope you continue to post film shots on your blog.
The colour is great! Very cool.
Our first purchase of our married life in 1982 was a Canon AE1. We used it forever until we finally made the jump to digital in 1996. It was ressurected just this last year as our teenage son took a high school photography class. Those are great cameras! Have fun!
I have been following your blog for the past couple of months. I absolutely love your pictures. They are gorgeous.
Wonderful to see you exploring film! I agree on some of the differences of film vs. digital. Similar to the discussions I had when I worked at Magnolia HiFi back in the 90’s. Tube amp or digital.. Analog record, or CD… There is a difference, for sure and I think it’s a mater of taste. I think that with film there is a slight void of information, but it’s what our mind fills in from memory, from a lifetime of experiences, and that’s what makes it richer. (little budget tip on film… Costco will develop a roll of film (specify not to print or scan it) for under $2.00. If you have a scanner at home you can save some money, but Gabe may already be on that…
i am loving this so much! the film has so much more soul to it. it lives and breathes. that’s it, breaking out the old film camera now.
lovely pics. thanks for sharing.
that is AMAZING! the camera find. the side by sides. the endive, especially. holy smokes!
you’ve piqued my interest. looking forward to more!
Just precious!
I just love the look of the shots that were done on film! And while I’m sure it will take some time to adjust to shooting that way, the results are going to be miraculous.
I haven’t shot film in so long, but these photos make me miss it something fierce. They’re absolutely dreamy.
Wow! The difference is quite striking… i have a lovely old Canon which I’ve been meaning to resurrect. I might just do that now- along with the manual!!
Just catching up with your blog and LOVE this post. A 1980 AE1 was my very first camera! I would be over the moon to snag one for $40. ; )
film? digital? Doesn’t matter to me…I love the cost effectiveness of deleting ALL the bad photos I keep taking…eeks…when will I get this down? What I’m most taken with is HOW much Ivy has changed. I can’t get over it!!! Whatever medium you choose, please keep the photos coming…I love your littles!
I had a Minolta XG-9 years ago and didn’t even know what I was doing with exposure, but still loved it. You’ve sparked a desire for trying film again and I just bid on and won a Minolta XG-M with a 50mm 1.7 and will be getting it this week, eek! I have a question for you – what ASA film did you use for these images? Thanks!