Let’s Stay In
A Cozy Take on Meals Will Have You Stoking the Home Fires!
Author Ashley Rodriguez has focused her career on teaching people the importance of a good meal at home, first with Date Night In, a relationship cookbook that brought the romance back to home-cooked meals at home. For her next book, she’s turning the focus outward. Let’s Stay In is all about effortless hospitality, meaningful family meals, and an appreciation for the magic of meals shared with others. Families, neighbors, friends, and loved ones will find a different kind of love around the table together, connecting over memorable meals. The recipes walk you through every meal of the day with delicious breakfasts, easy lunches, inviting dinners, and Ashley’s signature incredible desserts:
- Breakfasts of Red Lentil and Chickpea Stew with Poached Eggs, Breakfast BLTs, and Spiced Raisin Scones
- Midday meals of Zucchini, Gruyere & Basil Quesadillas, Ricotta, Speck and Plum Salsa Tartine, and Ivy’s Split Pea Soup
- Table-groaning dinners of Steak Tacos with Radish and Pickled Onions, Oven Baked Risotto with Squash and Rosemary Candied Walnuts, and Grilled Leg of Lamb with Green Sauce
- Sweets and drinks like Blood Orange Poppy Seed Upside Down Cake, Guava Coconut Punch, The Easiest Pear Tart, and Cardamom Cream Soda
Ashley is a natural teacher, and the recipes flow off the page as effortlessly as the conversation at a great meal. She practices what she preaches, too, making time to bring her busy family and loved ones together for meals as often as possible. Staying in can become an easy habit to adapt, helping to center each person at an inviting table. It’s the easiest kind of aspirational cooking and gathering, helping home cooks of any level to say “let’s stay in!”
Pre-Order Bonus!
Now let’s get down to the real exciting news; Let’s Stay In is available for pre-order! Pre-ordering is a huge deal for the author as it boosts sales right from the get-go and makes bookstores stand up and take notice. For you guys it means you will be among the first to get your hands on the book AND as a thank you for pre-ordering we have some super fun things in store.
If you pre-order the book you will be sent a link to a downloadable PDF of one of my absolute favorite recipes from the book. I’ve teased this recipe for years in a matter of a couple of minutes it could be yours!
It’s the Blue Ribbon Tomato Tart. Tomatoes are just coming into their prime and I want you to have this tart rather than wait an entire year to make it. It’s a stunningly savory Parmesan crust with a simple herb laced whipped creamy chevre filling. On top a thick layer of heirloom and cherry tomatoes. To finish a flurry of flakey vanilla salt (or regular flake salt) that crunches as you bite. You guys, this recipe won a blue ribbon at our Farmers Market here in Seattle but more than that you all have been asking for it for years and NOW it is time.
How to enter pre-order giveaways:
Let’s fill the world with Blue Ribbon Tomato Tarts! Here’s how to pre-order, get your recipe and enter into our upcoming giveaways.
1. Pre-order at your local bookstore.
Some other options:
- Book Larder based in Seattle
- Powell’s based in Portland
- Indiebound
- Target
- Amazon
2. Email me a copy of your receipt that shows where you purchased the book.
3. Once you’ve pre-ordered enter your name and email below to get the Blue Ribbon Tomato Tart recipe delivered to your inbox.
Let’s Stay In – Book Tour!
(SOLD OUT) – SEPTEMBER 28th – Seattle
Let’s Stay In dinners at the Not Without Salt Shop
Ticket Information
(SOLD OUT) – OCTOBER 2 – Seattle
Launch Day Party at the Not Without Salt Shop
Ticket Information
OCTOBER 4th – Seattle
Pie Party and Book Signing at Book Larder
Ticket Information
OCTOBER 8th – Seattle
Let’s Stay In dinner at Delancey
Ticket Information
October 10th – New Orleans, LA.
Join Ashley at The Bakehouse for a casual sit-down dinner to celebrate Ashley’s latest endeavor. Guests will enjoy a three-course menu inspired by the cookbook and a conversation with the author.
Ticket Information
Virtual Let’s Stay In party
An online party filled with giveaways, good food and good people. Join the party.
More details to come!
OCTOBER 23rd – Bellingham, WA
Cooking Class and Dinner in Bellingham at Ciao Thyme with Village Books
Ticket Information
(SOLD OUT) – OCTOBER 29 & 30 – Seattle
Cooking Classes at The Pantry
NOVEMBER 6 – 9 – New York
NOVEMBER 27 – 29 – Portland
DECEMBER 11 – 14 – Los Angeles
DECEMBER 16 – 17 – San Francisco
Date Night In
This is the story of nourishing our relationships and the food that connects us.
It’s an honest look into our marriage of nearly ten years and how we fumble through life together, with three kids and everything else that’s thrown alas, It’s real, funny, encouraging, tough and incredibly delicious. It is also an extension of the series I started on this site called, Dating My Husband. These posts are often my favorite to write and always the best to read your comments and emails in response to.
The book consists of 25 seasonal dates each having its own menu and a helpful plan to make creating this menu simple, even if you have a full-time job and children underfoot. Each recipe begins with the story from our date where I open up to you about our marriage — the joys, the trials and the work it takes to make it thrive.
Where to buy:
Look who’s dating:
Sasha from Tending the Table makes the Pea and Prosciutto Crostini
Aran shares the recipe for Braised Lentils with Kale and Mushrooms.
Tara from Seven Spoons brings me to tears with her thoughtful post.
Brian uses the Tzatziki dressing as a dip for Shrimp Fritters.
Luisa makes and LOVES the brownies.
Washington Post makes the Braised Lentils
I make the Bittersweet Brownies on New Day Northwest (video)
A Sweet Spoonful shares the White Salad
Turntable Kitchen shares the Kale Salad with Warm Pancetta Vinaigrette
Treats with a Twist shares the Winter Barbecue
Heather’s Dish talks about finding a new rhythm with date nights
Sprouted Kitchen made the Parmesan Crusted Sweet Potatoes look so beautiful
Self.com loves the idea for dating in on New Year’s
Shape.com offers 5 Tips for a Delicious Date Night In
Cool Mom Picks: Best Cookbooks for Families
Dolly & Oatmeal loves the SECRET sauce
Times Argus shares the recipe for Flemish Stew