
The almost finished garden project. You can see a few barely blooming starts on the lower right hand side. I managed to plant most of the rest of the garden on a rare sunny day a couple of days ago… after the snow had passed… finally!!

Two of our three chickens. We used to have four but sadly we lost one. Life on the farm is rough. 🙂

Still waiting to see if we have any roosters. I’m sure our neighbors will let us know as soon as they hear the early morning wake-up call.

A very preggo belly and chocolate cream pie complete with birthday candles and mini marshmallows.

“Pick-your-nose” birthday cups. I don’t think there is much more I can say.


5 Responses to “A Few Photos as Promised”

  1. Carrie

    Farmer Ashley,

    Good to see things are still going well. I am sorry to hear about your chicken. That sucks. beautiful pictures as always and I LOVE the birthday cup! Where did you get it???? Take good care of yourself 🙂


  2. Sarah

    Beautiful garden! I just planted ours today, finally. I am hoping my beans do well…can’t believe your seeds have sprouted after just a few days!

  3. Eileen

    Thanks for sharing these great photos Ashley. We just had snow again this past weekend. The ground is still too cold to plant any seeds here in Minnesota.

  4. MG

    I love your garden. Even in the yard, your artsy side shines! This will such fun for Baron to come out and bring in the produce. Ty wishes he had a garden. He wants to be a planter guy when he grows up…that was yesterday’s plan.