
I am so happy I married someone who knows his way around a computer.

Currently he is sitting to my right designing, programming and all-around creating a new website for me. Don’t worry – I’m not doing a complete overhaul of the blog – again. This time we’re working on a photography site – a happy home for all my favorite photos.

I am sitting, to his left, sorting, selecting and critiquing the hundreds of photos I’ve taken over the past year, or so.

So tonight I thought we’d trip down memory lane and look at some of the dishes we’ve made together. And look at some never before seen images – unless of course you follow me on flickr.

It’s that time of year again …

…Grab some of this


and make some of these


then pour of cup of this.


I can not believe I have told you about these sweet little jams that were sent to me by Tea Together.


They went beautifully with my near perfect scone recipe.

Wait. What do you mean I haven’t told you about my scones before?! I’ve been a horrible blogger. I mustn’t hold out much longer.


And how about some pie.


This one goes way back.


and finally….



They grow up so fast. Sometimes not fast enough but most of the time I wish time could stand still so I could squeeze those baby cheeks for the rest of my life.

My life shares very little resemblance of what it was when I started blogging. I’m thrilled I have this food stained journal to remind me of the joy and so thankful you all are a part of it. Thanks for taking this little trip with me.


4 Responses to “tripping”

  1. Carmi

    Time indeed moves too quickly, but I’m inspired by your ability to slow things down just long enough to capture the important stuff.

  2. Julia

    These look too good to be real. (Except for the babies, who I know are that amazingly scrumptious!) That fruit tart is unbelievable. I will never be able to make something that perfect, but I’m so glad that someone can.

  3. Brandi Bailey

    man…i should have had you take photos for me for my cookbook! 🙁 i just got them online! but yours are amazing! food is so hard to photograph-i didn’t even try! lol…nice work! 🙂