

Pancakes have a way of making mornings feel special. One can’t help but smile as they bite into a pile of fluffy, pillow-like cakes that are made moist with a bath of syrup.

Around here we have pancakes quite often. I guess we like our mornings to feel special. Or I just love how excited my kids get when they see me grabbing the flour, sugar, baking powder and syrup from the cupboards. They know what’s coming and they’re eager to get involved in the dumping and mixing. Grabbing their aprons and pushing the “baking” chairs up to the counter the flour starts to fly.


I’m not one to be satisfied with just butter and syrup for my pancakes. Because of this we have gone through many pancakes phases depending on the season and my mood. One of our all-time favorites is chocolate chip pancakes served with a heaping pile of unsweetened. cold, whipped cream.

Lately our pancakes have been slathered with blueberry butter. A lightly sweetened butter is mashed with fresh blueberries to create a new, fun and extremely delicious addition to our pancakes.

I imagine this butter would be equally thrilling on scones, muffins, quickbreads, etc. I know for a fact that it makes a great quick breakfast when slathered on toast.

But for now, I’m sticking with pancakes.


Basic Pancakes

3 tablespoons sugar

2 eggs

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 tablespoons butter, melted

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 cup + 3 tablespoons milk

Whisk the sugar, eggs and vanilla until lightened and foamy. Stir in the melted butter. Add the flour, salt and baking powder then stir in the milk to create a smooth batter. Vigorously whisk briefly to remove lumps.

Use a non-stick skillet that is lightly greased with pan spray or butter. Pour about 1/4 cup batter onto the pan when the butter or oil is sizzling. Fry until bubbles appear on the surface, then carefully flip. Cook for 2-3 minutes on the other side – until golden.

Serve pancakes with softened Blueberry Butter and warmed pure Maple Syrup.

Blueberry Butter

adapted from Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros
1 stick butter, salted (or add 1/4 tsp salt), softened

1 1/2 Tablespoons Confectioner’s sugar

3/4 cup fresh blueberries

Combine the butter and the sugar. Mash the blueberries with the butter until the butter is lightly colored from the blueberry skins. You still want to maintain lots of nice blueberry chunks, so be careful not to over mash.

Store in the fridge for up to one week.


57 Responses to “Pancakes With Blueberry Butter”

  1. jodye @ 'scend food

    Your pancakes look delicious, and blueberry butter does, indeed, sound like a perfect topping. Do you ever wake up in the mood to make pancakes? I know I do, and I’ve yet to be turned down by my appreciative boyfriend!

  2. joudie's Mood Food

    These look so good, and this blueberry butter is just gorgeous. I love this idea. My husband loves pancakes and i think this will make his day once he is done with his financial exmas. Lovely lictures and recipe!

  3. Amy Baron

    Do you think this would be good on a baguette? Would it work to have the option of this blueberry butter or pesto on a baguette to go with the other fabulous food ideas you gave me for the shower? I am also going to make watermelon and blueberries tossed in honey, lemon and mint.

  4. Julie

    Amy’s comment made me really really want a baguette with blueberry butter. Or really anything with this butter in fact.

  5. delicieux

    I love the idea of blueberry butter. Mmmmm especially with fresh pancakes. Your kids are very lucky to get pancakes so often. I bet they love it!!

    My boyfriend is the pancake maker in our house. It’s his speciality and he makes them most weekends with fresh strawberries and when he serves them he either makes me a chocolate heart to go on top or dusts icing sugar on top in the shape of hearts. It’s so sweet.

  6. The Housewife

    Oh Lord! Blueberry butter, syrup and pancakes… this is how we were intended to start each day. The idea of making blueberry butter is sheer genius… awesome picture as always!

  7. Joanne

    I had the BIGGEST pancake craving today but didn’t make any because I didn’t have any blueberries on hand…and what can be better than blueberry pancakes? Oh, blueberry pancakes with blueberry butter of course! Yum.

  8. nina

    Yeah, I am off to the kitchen. I can still make these before the children het up. They will be delighted!!

    • Ashley Rodriguez

      Nina – Oh I’m so glad! The thought of your children’s happy faces as they waft into the kitchen led by the smell of homemade pancakes makes me so delighted.

  9. Brenda

    Love this. Love pancakes for dinner. Would you be up to creating a squash pancake for fall?

    • Ashley Rodriguez

      Brenda – A squash pancake sounds incredible – with toasted/candied pecans and maple syrup?! Yum! I hope to get a chance to work on this recipe. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. tiina

    You had me at the title. This looks wonderful, and makes me already look forward to a lazy and slow Sunday morning. Happy weekend, dear!

  11. A Plum By Any Other Name

    Every time I read your blog I end up thinking, “now why didn’t I think of that?!” Your blueberry butter is no exception. Thanks for keeping the good ideas coming!

    • Ashley Rodriguez

      Plum – This is such a wonderful compliment and I what I seek to provide in every post. I’m so glad it’s coming through. Thank you!

  12. Alanna Kellogg

    Thanks for this inspiration! We made this over the weekend, love the combination of blueberries and butter! I couldn’t actually get “over” the fact that it was really just butter with blueberries, however, but once the butter was whipped, yum. A nice compromise (because I agree with you about the nice chunks of blueberries) would be to whip the butter with half the berries, then smash in the rest. Thanks again —

  13. Jordyn

    Ohhh my. I am more of a just butter girl on my pancakes…so putting blueberries in the butter is genius! thanks for sharing!

  14. Amalia

    First of all, your site ust takes my breath away, as well as your pictures…so beautiful.
    And those pancakes look devine! You know, I always read pancakes recipes with melted butter or oil in the batter, but my family never makes them that way and they have been making it for years…could the result be much different? I posted about our pancakes in my blog
    oh my, blueberry butter… that sounds like heaven! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Did i mention that i love your blog? (:

  15. molly

    Indeed! Pancakes rock our world, every Wednesday. Ours are oat, with the tiniest chocolate chips, though I personally have a huge soft spot for blueberries.

    Strength to you, as you head into these last weeks! So much goodness, right around the corner…

  16. Kimberly

    Congrats on your precious girl…Ivy!!
    We were having dinner at Delancey;s when Gabe came in to get “TO GO” pizza’s and he showed us a picture of your baby! She is BEAUTIFUL!! Alll that black hair!! Love to you and your sweet family…

  17. Stacie Shepp

    YUM! I have been totally into pancakes the last few months; all the better if they are covered in berries, butter and syrup. So I LOVE this idea of creaming the butter with the berries before serving. Thank you!

  18. Chef E

    I found this a few months too late, but will bookmark it for next spring! Hubby will love this one for his rolls. We eat them all the time!

    Congrats on ‘sister baby’! She is beautiful!

  19. Panda Foodie

    Looks delicious. That butter looks amazing too. I’ve never tried such a butter before. I’ll have to check it out one day. Beautiful pictures too!

  20. Jana

    I love this. Grant loves chocolate chip pancakes so I added chocolate chips to the homemade butter. He loved it!

  21. Christmas Hampers

    Im not a big fan of blueberries on their own, however we made pancakes with blueberries in them and they were delicious! The blueberries tasted totally different!

  22. Boldski

    Best pancake recipe ever…Thanks for sharing.

    I added a teaspoon of lemon juice, a pinch of lemon zest, subbed one TBSP of regular sugar for Muscovado sugar. I didn’t have blueberries, so I used strawberries I had in the fridge. Perfection…thanks again!

  23. Mala

    Super simple recipe! Love it!
    New to your blog- stumbled upon it while browsing-will surely bookmark it:)

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  25. Meegan

    So excited to be sharing this on my blog today!! I hope you will stop by for a visit.
    Make it a great day!

  26. Gina

    The blueberry butter is to die for! Thank you so much for this recipe. I am making another batch right now using strawberries! I am totally obsessed! Thank you! I will be making this for gifts in cute jars soon.