
I sincerely apologize for the longest pause in posting in Artisan Sweets history. In the past two months life has drastically changed. From the craziness of catering, baking, mothering and wife-ing of the Summer to all-day sickness, constantly tired and a disdain towards food that comes with being pregnant. That’s right, bun number two is in the oven! I just hit the three month mark so hopefully the sickness and extreme tiredness should start to fade.

My aversion from food has not only limited my time in the kitchen (which was accidentally timed perfectly as the season winded down and left little for me to do in the kitchen) but has also shifted my focus completely off of food as I was unable to watch, read or think about it. Crazy hormones.

My appetite is beginning to perk up and what a perfect time of the year to do so. The Holidays are around the corner and I am starting to gear up for them. I’m dreaming of chocolates and cookies, candies and cakes. I will be selling some of my chocolates and including many delicious sweet treats in gift baskets that will be available at In The Kitchen, Ciao Thyme’s new location. More information to come on this later.

Tomorrow bright and early I am off to L.A. to attend Sherry Yard’s book release party for her new book, Desserts By The Yard (which is available NOW!!) While living in L.A. I had the honor and pleasure of working on this book doing some recipe testing and assisting during some of the photo sessions. So now I am going back to help her celebrate this momentous occasion.

So again thanks for hanging in there with me during these quiet blog days. But I am back and ready for holiday baking and all that comes with it. I will keep you, my lovely readers informed with baby updates for all those interested. Right now not much to report except that baby number two appears to be healthy and growing quite nicely. We will be finding out if we are having a boy or girl but we won’t know that info. for a couple of months.


5 Responses to “Baby, Book & Baking”

  1. Jacqi

    So happy you blogged again! I can’t wait to read about the party… (hope you didn’t forget to autograph as many as you could where your name is printed!) =)

  2. Théa

    Welcome to the second trimester! I’ve actually stayed up til 10pm two nights in a row now, which feels like quite the feat.

    I hope you guys have a fabulous time, and I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of the book…

  3. Mary Gene Atwood

    Glad you’re back….write and inspire me to cook! I’ll have to tell you about making cookies with Ty. Long story, but he’s very observant and hit the HIGH on the kitchenaid mixer as I was adding the flour… the picture?? Hard to believe I forgot to add salt…too busy trying to find the ocunter and the Ty guy!

  4. Anita

    Glad to hear from you…and hope you had a great time at the party! I got a preview copy of Sherry’s book and it’s fabulous!