
Still on my ice cream kick I wanted to share another killer ice cream recipe. I found a version of this recipe online and thought it was pretty genius. In my typical fashion I tweeked it and made it my own. I think my favorite part about it is that the variations are endless. Without further ado….

LIME, MINT and GINGER Ice Cream Float

1 cup sugar

2 cups water

20 fresh mint leaves

1 inch piece ginger chopped up fine

zest and juice of two limes

soda water

your favorite vanilla ice cream (preferably homemade!)

Combine water and sugar. Boil for 5-7 minutes until syrupy. Turn off heat. Add mint leaves, ginger and lime zest. Let steep for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes strain then chill. Once completely cool add lime juice.

You can tinker with the amounts to create your perfect float but I would start with one hefty scoop of vanilla ice cream, 3 tbl syrup, and 1 cup soda water.


7 Responses to “Ice Cream Float to knock your socks off!”

  1. Lael

    this is the kind of float that won’t make my stomach feel sick afterward…no sugary, caffeinated, junky pop. yum!