More time has passed than I had planned when I made a passing promise to give you a lesson in homemade Mascarpone. We used it together when making this Asparagus Tart. And if you had been holding out on that tart until the publication of this post , I am so very sorry. Because now we must patiently wait through two seasons before we see the pointy heads of asparagus emerge through the still chilled earth.

For this dilemma I offer two solutions with the hope that you will take them as my apology.
1. The asparagus tart would be just as delicious, I imagine, with much of the produce that is currently at its peak. Tomatoes, zucchini, or peppers perhaps?
2.ย Broiled peaches.
After a gentle dip in a shallow bath of sugar, peach halves are placed directly under the broiler. During those brief moments under the flame the peach warms just to the point of coaxing all it’s floral sweetness to be at its prime while at the same time creating a thin, crackly layer of caramelized sugar. With a hefty dollop of your homemade mascarpone, left to warm and puddle ever so slightly with the remaining heat of the peaches, you have yourself a perfectly simple summer dessert. Or in the case of this morning, a breakfast of champions.

Now I realize that the thought of making your own cheese may seem daunting and yet it does sort of have this alluring, rustic sound to it.
“What did you do today?” “Oh, you know, not much. Except that I did make cheese.” “?!??!!”
Mascarpone is the perfect starting point into the world of home cheese making. One that I seem to step deeper and deeper into. Perhaps someday I’ll have a goat. She’ll be called Ginny and together we’ll make the most creamy Chevre and tangy blocks of goat cheddar. But for now I’ll start by simply adding a bit of lemon juice to cream and wait for time and gravity to create a creamy, soft cheese with a very faint tang. Mascarpone has since replaced my hefty scoop of ice cream or dollop of whipped cream next to my summer’s pie. It combines the best of both worlds – a non-taste bud numbing temperature with a an impossible richness that holds its own next to sweet, tart fruit or when used as a base for a savory tart or pizza.

*One last note on a completely unrelated, yet equally delicious topic. I have not forgotten about your enthusiasm for Random Acts of Cookies. I was blown away by your response and I say we continue on with our plans to start a movement. But I need your help. I will be thinking of ways in which we can share with one another our cookie acts but for now, I’d love for you to tell us about it, and/or post pictures to the NWS Facebook page. Let’s encourage one another in this and love on others one cookie at a time.
Thanks for your excitement!
Broiled Peaches with Mascarpone
2 cups pasteurized (not ultra-pasteurized, if possible) cream
1 T fresh lemon juice
Heat to 190* on medium low. Continually stir, taking care not to scorch the bottom.
When the cream has reached 190* add the lemon juice. It will immediately get a touch thicker. Heat at 190* for another 5 minutes, stirring often.
Remove from the heat, cover the pan and refrigerate over night or until completely cool.
Once cream has cooled it will be nearly as thick as sour cream.
Place a strainer lined with four layers of cheesecloth over a medium bowl. Add the thickened cream to the cheesecloth. Gather the corners and carefully tie the ends to form a bundle. Hang this in the fridge and let drain into the bowl for another 12-24 hours, or overnight. There should be a couple tablespoons of whey left in the bowl after it’s finished draining.
Broiled Peaches
4 peach halves
1/2 cup sugar
Turn your broiler on to high. Place a sheet tray directly under the flame.
In a shallow bowl or on a plate, add the sugar. Dip the peach halves into the sugar several times to get a nice, thick crust of sugar.
Quickly move the peaches to the broiler and watch carefully.
Remove from the broiler once the sugar has melted and just caramelized and the peaches have warmed through and their juices start to bubble and spurt, about 5 minutes.
Top with a good amount of mascarpone and serve immediately.
After the cream has hung and drained your mascarpone is finished and ready to use.
Check out these resources for homemade mascarpone. They helped me along the way.
Yes to cheese of all kinds. (Goat cheddar, what?!) And a big yes to how you just described the transformation the peaches undergo in the broiler. This is my kind of dessert.
Looks to die for. How I would love to just drop “yeah, I made cheese” into casual conversation. I love peaches in port wine with cream for summer – what a great variation this would be. Thanks for sharing!
These photos are fantastic! Love the recipe too. Yum!
My best friend dreams of having a goat. I’ll now tell her that if she’ll ever buy it, I’ll make mascarpone with its milk. Creamy and velvety and comforting. Perfect with peaches, or in an italian tiramisรน ๐
I’ve made ricotta before but I can’t wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing Ashley!
I love making simple cheese like this. I am one of the readers that has been waiting for you to post this recipe. I can’t wait to try it!
I think you’re so darn swell. And that photo of the peach under the broiler!
Yum! I’ve been grilling farmers market peaches all summer but I hadn’t even thought about serving them with marscapone. Adding to my list asap!
This is exciting. I have made ricotta, yogurt, creme fraiche and quick mozzarella, but I have yet to try mascarpone. I’ll be making it soon, thanks!
That is a beauty! The post made me wanna get up and make some of that mascarpone myself!
Oh, yeah…this is happening.
You are so inspiring Ashley.
@Jana – You are so sweet.
It is funny, because last week I made some roasted peaches and which I had this mascarpone. Looks so decadent. I am loving also how good the peaches are this season. Juicy and delicious.
When the recipe calls for 2 cups pasteurized cream, is that like Half and Half? I would love to try this recipe but this beginner needs more clarification and help.
@Addie – No, it’s heavy cream. Just look on the container and try to avoid ones that are “ultra-pasteurized”.
Why avoid ultra pasteurized -what happens? (all I got!)
Sometimes it doesn’t thicken as well.
Soo gorgeous! I love roasted peaches am sure broiled will be even better! Made roasted peaches with salty caramel ice cream before and recently some splendid roasted peach bourbon ice cream ๐
When looking in my store’s dairy case, I see Half and Half and whipping cream. Which one do I use? If I find the right one will it say “ultra-pasteurized” so that I know that is the one not to use?
@Addie – Get the cream. If all they have is ultra-pasteurized cream get that. I’ve only used pasteurized cream but I’ve heard it can work with ultra-pasteurized as well. What it means is that the cream is heated to a much higher temperature for a shorter period of time. That then kills off some of the bacteria – including the good stuff – needed to make the mascarpone nice and thick. But as I said, people have had success with ultra-pasteurized it’s just not what I tested while making this recipe.
I hope that helps!
Oh my.. you have no idea how happy I am to see this! Mascarpone is one of my greatest pleasures in life! My dad and I used to pile it up on toast with nutella, and sit there and eat it while the rest of the family looked on with shock. I will definitely be giving this a try, thank you..
Homemade mascarpone. Just put it on the “To Do” list. Can’t wait!
omgosh! this looks so amazing. I just started a blog about everything in life from cooking to couponing to crafts.. I hope mine will end up as awesome as yours! I definitely have to put this recipe on my “to do” list as well!! Looks so yummy.
What a perfectly timed post, as I was JUST talking about wanting to make my own cheese but had no idea where to start ๐
This weekend!
@Laken – yeah! A perfect place to start.
You had me at ‘homemade marscapone’ …
and if I’d realised this was essentially what I do to make ricotta (but with cream) I’d have been doing this long before now! Thank you, thank you ๐ xx
Have I told you lately that I love you?
@Julie – ๐
Why haven’t I been making marscapone? Thank you for the recipe and the broiled peaches have my mouth watering too.
mmmm never knew it was this easy and I’ve certainly been eating enough fruit lately to make the effort for this fine accompaniment!
Wow! Thank your for it! I would like to try to do home made mascarpone since almost a year but I never start it still today. This post give the last step and I will do it soon! Thanks it again.
Time to pickup some cheesecloth. I would love to make this…amazing! Perhaps when school starts next month ๐ Ha.
Beautiful images my friend.
I’m having some trouble with this recipe. I followed the instructions as listed above but my cream (Clover organic) never thickened when the lemon juice was added. I used fresh Meyer Lemon juice since it’s all I had. Would that make a difference? I cooked it an extra few minutes, trying to get it to thicken, then chilled it. It’s completely cooled now and is the consistency of thin sour cream. When I poured it through the four layers of cheesecloth, it went right through those, the strainer, and into the bowl. Not sure what to do next since I can’t bundle liquid. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!!
@Heather – A couple of questions. 1. Is the cream ultra-pasteurized? Sometimes that high of heat kills off the necessary bacteria needed to thicken the cream. 2. The other thought I had would be to let it set up for one more day and then see how thick it gets. 3. It’s possible that the meyer lemon may have affected it although I doubt it. I would also try adding a bit (1 teaspoon) more lemon juice. I know meyer lemons aren’t quite as acidic so maybe just a touch more might be the answer. There are other acids you can use also. See the second link I put in the post. I believe they used tartaric acid.
I’m so sorry it didn’t work for you. I had issues with some of the recipes that I tried in the beginning of this process but the one I posted also gave me great results. I’m happy to help further if need be. Thanks!
thanks so much, ashley for the quick reply! no, the cream is pasturized but not ultra-pasturized. I was thinking it might be b/c the meyer lemon was not as acidic as well. i will try adding a bit more regular lemon juice if needed after letting it sit one more day. do i add that to the cold cream or reheat and add it? i’ll keep trying and report back. looks like it yielded great results for you so i’m sure it’s just me ๐ thanks, again!
Thank you for the recipe and the broiled peaches have my mouth watering too. I love roasted peaches am sure broiled will be even better!
This looks amazing! I can’t wait to try it. Does the cream have to be pasteurized? Do you think that it would work as well with raw cream?
omg I totally want to make my own Mascarpone cheese! I’ve never even thought it make it – thanks for the inspiration ๐
Ahhh, cheese-making is at the top of my list of things to do once I *finally* finish my disseration, and your photos have got me all inspired again. And I love the idea of having a goat someday!
After seeing this post I went back and read about Random Acts of Cookies and I had to laugh because it reminds me of a time in college when I and my then-roommate did a lot of experimenting with homemade baked goods. In those days we managed to come up with a lot more disasters than masterpieces, and we also lived next-door to some boys who we didn’t much care for (they had offended us when they, after she and I welcomed them to the building with a batch of marshmallow cookies, neglected to say hello our make eye contact during subsequent crossing of paths). Anyways, any time we created something monstrous by mistake in the kitchen, she and I used to anonymously leave it on their doorstep. We called it guerilla baking ^_^
I really want to try homemade mascarpone now! Yours looks gorgeous.
The Past on a Plate
My summertime goal WAS homemade ricotta, but it just may have gotten trumped by this marscarpone. Thanks for the post, absolutely lovely and inspiring photography.
i’m drooling. gorgeous shots – love the one with the torch being taken to the peach – the bubbles on the beach say it all.
OMG!! Mascarpone homemade?!!! i will made it every day ๐ and the Broiled Peaches looks very tasty yam yam <3 <3
I will not comment on the pics because they are killing me ๐ you’re awesome!
So … what exactly is 190* ? I imagine it means 190 degrees. You are american so I guess that would be 190ยฐF ? and not 190ยฐC?
If I want to make this, it is probably important that I get the temperature right.
@Sauce – Yes, it’s 190* F
Would I be able to use Raw Cream?
I am totally obsessed with making cheese…I have to try this!!
beautiful pics! what camera do you use?
Made this yesterday. The texture is almost like in the pic but a little more watery like sour cream. Also, I imagined it would be sweet but it isn’t. Did I miss a step to creating the cheese in tiramisu I sooo love?
Heidi – I’m not sure about the texture. I would suggest letting it drain for a bit longer. The sweetness as you taste in Tiramisu comes from the addition of sugar and typically Marsala. This is just plain Mascarpone but you are welcome to add sugar, syrup, honey – the options are endless.
Hi ashley !
May I ask you , 190 degrees ffehreheit or C ??
And if you would kindly reply on my e-mail not here ??
Congrats for your awsome wensite , love it
I found this post though Pinterest. The photo was so beautiful that I just had to come here to read the recipe! Love it! And love your site :-).
I would like to invite you to share this post (and your other posts ๐ ) on a new photo based recipe sharing site that launched in May. The idea is simple: all recipe photographs are published within minutes of submission. And, of course, the images link back to the author’s site.
It’s called RecipeNewZ (with Z) –
I hope you get a chance to visit and to share some of your delicious posts with our viewers. It would be a pleasure to have you on board ๐
Just found a local whipped cream cheese and a white & yellow peach special at my local gourmet market. I’m looking forward to trying this out! (though, I can’t imagine lightly sweetened cream cheese ever beats homemade mascarpone ๐ )
I am late to this party, but am dying to know what the end yield is? I am assuming you don’t lose much whey, similar to creme fraiche? Thanks!
I saw the question about using raw cream came up a couple of times but I never did see an answer. Maybe I missed it in the sea of responses? I too would like to know if I could use raw cream instead of the pasteurized ๐
I know this web page presents quality depending posts and other
data, is there any other web site which provides such things in quality?
Our Family love cheese a lot!
Cant wait to make my own. Your an inspiration.
Ooooooh my goodness. Must try at once! I built a wood-fired pizza oven in the backyard, and make an amazing dessert pizza with nutella, mascarpone, and brown sugar. It’s already amazing. But with homemade mascarpone??? Swoon!
I just saw this on Pinterest. Everything looks amazing. First time here, loved your space and pics.
How do you know when it’s 190 degrees?
You’ll need to use a candy themometer to accurately tell when it’s reached 190 degrees.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.
Line Dish with Wax Paper3) Line the bottom of the casserole dish with the wax paper.
Whenever the mixture becomes too dry and heavy, add a little milk to lighten it.
Can i use fresh heavy cream? What cream exactly should be used? I live outside the US and its hard to find just cream… Can i substitute with 1/2 heavy cream and 1/2 milk?
Yes! That’ll work.
I mean, fresh heavy cream will work. ๐
I definitely want to try the mascarpone. When my kids were young- they’re in their 20’s now- we made something similar but only heated milk, added vinegar or lemon juice and strained or drained it. Thanks for the recipes and instruction!
What terrible thing happens if I use ultra pasteurized cream – it is all I have – didnt remember that part when I went shopping!s So many thanks.
Are you trying to be cute with using an * to indicate degrees? There is a reason somethings are standardized…try using correct symbols. Also not all of your readers would be American, use the C or F to indicate which unit of “asterisks” you are using. If you are trying to be taken seriously have some respect for tradition and stop assuming American’s own the world.
Nope, not trying. This is an old recipe and I’ve since learned how to write much more accurate recipes. Although I didn’t learn by someone leaving me a rude comment on my blog. Be nice, it’s more fun.
I actually wasnโt being rude. If I was being rude I would have instead made a comment about how greats like Julia Child are spinning in their graves seeing how anyone with a computer is suddenly a โmaster chefโ. If I was being rude, I would have added that anyone who doesn’t have the basic understanding of writing a recipe has no business writing one.
Sarah, I did not write you about a quantity of salt? In fact, I didnt write you at all about mascarpone. barbara
Thanks, @ashley for sharing an awesome recipe with us. Gonna try this today, hope my husband will like it. Will definitely share review after trying this