tonic – Not Without Salt Delicious Recipes and Food Photography by Ashley Rodriguez. Wed, 11 Aug 2021 20:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7109857 Bourbon Tonic Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:53:59 +0000 Read more »]]> Bourbon Tonic // Not Without Salt

We have a sweet little neighbor boy who learned to walk this summer. I’ve watched him progress from timidly taking a few steps while holding onto his mom’s hand to now, where he is practically running trying to keep up with my big boys. He’s tenacious that one, bonking his tender head on the very not-tender pavement, letting out a few cries just before he’s up and going again.

Last week I felt like that eager, wobbly little toddler. I launched the cookie mix business with great excitement, a bit of fear and a lot of unknowns. Moments after launching I felt my first bump but far from my last. There were shipping issues to work through which led us to changing our online storefront just two days after launching. Then we had some rogue flour that resisted staying in its pouch and never had I prayed so hard for chocolate not to melt while being shipped across the country. All of this made for a few bruises, mostly on my ego but each time I got back up again, still wobbling but standing.

I forgot for a moment that even in cookie mix its all about the journey. Getting from point A to point B. Refining, improving and growing without letting the bumps keep you from moving.

Bourbon Tonic // Not Without Salt


Bourbon Tonic // Not Without Salt

No journey is complete without others who are willing to walk the path with you. So many times this past week I reached out for a hand to help pull me up and there were several there to choose from. We’d brush off the dust, iron out the kinks and eagerly watch our little cookie mix get better and better (thank you Julie and Gabe and my mom and aunt who drove several hours to come help restock the mix).

I’m still a bit wobbly and bruised but just like our little neighbor, I won’t let a few bumps keep me from running, in fact I’ll just use them to grow, learn and become better.

So, after all of that we’re celebrating with a cocktail.

This simple cocktail has been our Summer ’14 go-to and as we ease into Fall it’s turning into our Fall ’14 go-to.

It comes together quickly with just a few ingredients but like all things done simply, quality is key. Go for the good bourbon (doesn’t have to be THE best but does have to be good), spring for the good tonic and whatever you do use these Luxardo Maraschino Cherries. I feel a bit badly every time I urge people to try these cherries because once you taste them you are ruined for all other maraschino cherry. So start saving your pennies because a jar of these is a pretty one but oh so worth it.

A few more things to add before we cocktail. Thank you, thank you to all who ordered last week. We sold out of our stock two days! But don’t worry there is plenty more mix where that came from and now it’s new and improved. The flour is staying put, the chocolate resisted melting, shipping has more options and the label is now in color!!

If you want to get your mix shipped this week just be sure to place your order by Tuesday at 12 am (PST). We ship out every Wednesday so even if we sell out this week there will be more by next week.

Thanks again for all the support. I read every single comment on the last post and they were like bandaids to the little bumps.

Congratulations to those who won the mix! And to the rest of you, now you are free to buy your own here! 😉

Now, cocktail. CHEERS!

Bourbon Tonic // Not Without Salt


Bourbon Tonic // Not Without Salt

Bourbon Tonic

Makes 1 cocktail

1 1/2 ounces Bourbon

3 ounces Tonic

Slice of lemon

1 Maraschino Cherry

In a rocks glass with ice add the bourbon and tonic. Give a gentle stir then finish with lemon (I like to squeeze it first, Gabe prefers to just drop it in) and a cherry.

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