giveaway – Not Without Salt Delicious Recipes and Food Photography by Ashley Rodriguez. Wed, 11 Aug 2021 20:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7109857 Roasted Cauliflower Soup, Scallion Kimchee + Vitamix Giveaway Mon, 03 Mar 2014 22:12:30 +0000 Read more »]]> Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

*A winner has been selected and notified. Thanks so much for entering!!

I was recently asked to write up my thoughts on eating healthfully. Me, talk about health?! I ate ice cream last night and have a roll of cookie dough lounging in the the fridge because you never know when the urge might strike. And then I started thinking a little deeper, beyond my sugar cravings, and realized that I do have a lot to say on the subject.

First of all, I have no rules. There was a time when I put a lot of limits on the way I eat. You know what happened? All I could think about was food. All day long I would sit, hungry, dreaming about the food I told myself was off limits. I’m terrible with rules. Give me a rule and I’ll obsess over it. I thought about food day and night and yet never felt satisfied. I limited myself so much that it became my obsession. I counted calories, knew everything that was entering my mouth and planned my day around the few things I allowed myself to eat. When I broke a rule I felt terribly guilty and shameful. These rules took the joy out of food and nearly made it my enemy. I became my own enemy and was terribly unhappy.

With a diet of no rules I can think more clearly about eating that cookie. Do I really want it? Today, maybe yes. But I don’t sit around dreaming of the cookies I can’t have so I don’t crave them nearly as much. When I do enjoy them I savor it. Feeling good about it’s sweetness. I don’t fret over the calories. I enjoy the moment and move on.

I also listen to my body. I know that I feel much better when I eat meals laden with fresh produce. There’s no denying it. I feel strong, alert, energetic and healthy. I like that feeling. So when I’m not feeling those things I take it as a sign that I need more vegetables and good food. Those are the times when I pack the blender with fresh spinach and toss in an apple, carrot and lemon juice.

When you listen to your body you are also aware when it says, “I’m done.” There’s no need to keep eating when I’m full. Again, when there are no rules it’s much easier to avoid overeating because you have no reason for an unhealthy binge. You’re free to stop and look forward to the next meal when you’ll feel hungry again.

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

I practice radical moderation. What’s so radical about it? Sometimes even my moderation needs moderation. I’m a firm believer in Julia Child’s great quote, “Everything in moderation, including moderation.” There are vacations, and birthday parties and holidays which make healthy eating difficult. Enjoy the party then the next day recover with salad. I’m not talking about plainly dressed greens here. Salads are fun. See here, here and here. If salad isn’t your thing how about soup?

Just like everything else in life, it’s all about the little decisions. Do I really need to find the closest parking spot? Why don’t I take a few moments to walk around the block? Is that second latte the best idea? One cookie really is enough, mostly. These little decisions add up to big changes over the course of a few months, years and a lifetime. It’s not about big, radical changes that fall by the wayside before dinner is ready. It’s about a lifetime of little decisions that value yourself, your health and the health of your family.

People also ask how I teach my kids about health: I live a life following the advice I just gave you. My kids are watching. They see me choosing to walk to the store rather than drive, they see me happily enjoying a produce-packed smoothie and a colorful salad for dinner. They also see me enjoying a bowl of ice cream. I want my kids to see food for the gift it is. Not a burden or a set of rules that need to be governed. My desire is for them to respect food and to love their bodies well. I teach them by doing the same for myself.

This roasted cauliflower soup is the perfect reset meal. It’s for those times when I eat a pork sandwich for lunch and then another for dinner. It starts with a tray loaded with vegetables; leeks, celery and cauliflower. In the oven the vegetables soften on the inside and crisp and caramelize along its dimpled exterior. The original recipe comes from my friend, Aran. She made it for me once and I sat marveling at its richness with each bite. Richness, I often assume, comes from cream. Here, it’s coconut milk. She’s a brilliant one, that Aran. When she fed me that soup I had made her a jar of scallion kimchee and together they made magic.

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

Roasted Cauliflower Soup with Scallion Kimchee// Not Without Salt

The perfect texture you see there is from my new best friend, my Vitamix. And here’s the best part, one of you can get a new best friend too. I’m giving away one blender thanks to the Vitamix folks (U.S. and Canada). I had been thinking of the perfect way to treat myself to a Vitamix just before they contacted me and sent one my way. I’ve talked to so many people who say they use it everyday and don’t remember what they ever did without it. I’m now one of those people. I make quick work of smoothies, juices, dressings, soups, and healthful milkshakes (the kids had no idea it was healthy). I even made corn muffins that began with wheat berries and popcorn kernels before the grain grinder whipped them into a fluffy flour. I’m hooked. Just leave a comment below to enter. I’ll randomly select a winner Wednesday, March 12. A winner has been selected and contacted. Thanks so much for entering!!

Roasted Cauliflower with Scallion Kimchee

adapted from Small Plates and Sweet Treats: My Family's Journey to Gluten-Free Cooking, from the Creator of Cannelle et Vanille

1 medium head cauliflower,

1 large leek, white part cut in 1/2-inch slices

4 celery stalks, cut in 2-inch pieces

5 tablespoons olive oil, divided

1 onion, diced

3 garlic cloves, sliced

1 russet potato, diced

1 tsp thyme leaves

pinch chili flake

4 cups chicken or vegetable stock

1 13.5 ounce can coconut milk

salt and pepper

Preheat your oven to 400° F.

Toss cauliflower, leeks, and celery with 3 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and a few grinds of black pepper. Roast on a baking sheet for an hour or until vegetables are tender and there is a good deep color on many bits of the vegetables.

In a large pot add the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil over medium high heat. When the oil shimmers add the onions and garlic then cook until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add the roasted vegetables, potatoes, thyme, chile flakes, stock, coconut milk, and 1 teaspoon of kosher salt. Bring to a boil then reduce to the heat to medium low. Simmer for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are tender.

Carefully puree the soup in a blender. Taste and adjust seasoning.

Finish with a drizzle of olive oil and some chopped scallion kimchee (recipe below).

Quick Scallion Kimchee

Makes 2 cups

From One Good Dish by David Tanis

Besides this soup I’ve found that scallion kimchee is great on eggs and sandwiches and when blended with cream cheese it makes a pretty addicting spread.

4 bunches scallions

2 teaspoons salt

4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

1 tablespoon raw sugar or dark brown sugar

1 tablespoon grated ginger

¼ cup Korean red pepper flakes*

1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil

1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds

1 tablespoon fish sauce

1 tablespoon rice vinegar

*I used 1/2 tablespoon chile flakes, you can use more or less. The first time I made it I used 1 tablespoon - spicy, but good. The second time I used 1/2 so the kids could try it out.

Trim the scallions and cut into 3-inch lengths. Put them in a glass or ceramic bowl, sprinkle with the salt, and let stand for 10 minutes.

Mix together the garlic, sugar, ginger, red pepper flakes, sesame oil, sesame seeds, fish sauce, and rice vinegar. Add to the scallions and toss well to coat.

Lay a plate over the bowl and leave in a warm place (at least 70°F) for 24 hours. Or, for a stronger-tasting kimchee, let ripen for up to 72 hours. It will keep for a month, refrigerated.

Excerpted from One Good Dish by David Tanis (Artisan Books). Copyright © 2013. Photographs by Gentl & Hyers


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Croissant Loaf + giveaway Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:07:28 +0000 Read more »]]> Croissant Loaf // Not Without Salt

* The winners have been selected. Thanks to all who commented. I’ve read every single one and am completely in awe of the kindness in this space. You all encourage me when I need it the most. Thank you. And thanks again to Cinnamon Hill for hosting the giveaway. If you didn’t happen to win you can still order a grater of your own from their site.

She follows me into to the bathroom and reaches into my silver and stained make-up bag just as I do. First she watches as I brush a light powder on my nose, by my eyes and wherever else needs a little glow. “I do it all by myself.” She says grabbing the brush from my hands. She brushes away loopy brown curls to make way for the soft bristles that carry with them a fine pink powder. Some fall from the brush and dance around her with the light coming from the window behind. For her eyeshadow goes on cheeks, mascara on eyelids and lipstick everywhere.

On the couch we’re tangled up together watching a movie and a burst of gushy love overwhelms as I have one of those, “this is MY girl” moments that happens approximately 3,728 times a day. I cusp her cheeks in my hands and kiss her face a dozen times. Then she turns to me and puts her little fingers on my face and kisses me again and again.

“I love you.” I say.

“I wub woo too.” She says.

In the kitchen I pull my apron off the hook and just as I’m tying it tightly around my waist I hear her bounding up next to me. “Me too?” She asks pointing to her apron that is similar to mine in color and pattern but not size. I attach the velcro strap then she shimmies the stool to the counter eager to help dump and stir.

Croissant Loaf // Not Without Salt

“Gentle.” I say telling her about all the butter tucked into the layers of the croissant dough.

She watches me roll the dough then repeats the action with a little less finesse but with just as much joy. When it seems like I’m not watching, little fingers rip at the corner of the dough to get a taste of butter, flour and yeast. Smiling, I say nothing.

Together we crouch at the oven, peering into the dirty glass window hoping to get a peak at the rising dough. She sees my excitement and mirrors it with more vigor, a goofy grin and inhaling sharply with anticipation. I laugh at her enthusiasm and my own as we both return our glances to the oven.

Sometimes I notice that Ivy sneezes when I sneeze even though she doesn’t have the allergies I do. She wants to change her clothes if she sees me in a dress and she’s wearing pants. Her adeptness in wearing high heels at 2 1/2 is shocking. As I flip through my copy of Food & Wine and all the glowing food photos pop up she can hardly contain her excitement. “Oohhh, dat looks good.”

Even with all her independence she mirrors me and looks to me for how she should act and react. Often this goes unnoticed but the other night as she lay with me in bed and pretended to act interested in watching the Dust Bowl documentary and wiped her nose just as I did and sighed when I did, the weight of this fell on me pretty hard.

Croissant Loaf // Not Without Salt

So to my daughter who sees my every move, I want to say;

Ivy, my love, may I live a life that’s worth copying and be the sort of woman that’s worthy of being mirrored. May I humbling admit to you my errors so you can see that real strength shows itself in vulnerability. I hope you see me growing, changing and evolving too. Learn from my mistakes and learn from yours too. Accept them and be, dare I say happy with them because without mistakes there aren’t the lessons learned that are really worth learning.

Ivy, I hope you figure out quickly that I don’t have all the answers and I will try not to pretend that I do. I do however, have enough love, wisdom and strength to be your mama and I know that because you are here and you are mine and Someone thinks I’m fit for this position.

Thanks for watching me so that I can be accountable to my words. So that I’ll pinch at the cushy layer around my hips less, and quit trying to deny the things I need – like quiet and a little space – because I want you to not be afraid to ask for what you need. And along those same lines I hope you see me asking for help. I’m just learning how to do that and goodness, I hope you figure that lesson out more quickly than me because it’s amazing to be feel loved and those who love you are just aching to help you. Watch your dad and I work intentionally on our marriage. Forget what you heard Cinderella say the other night, because even though you may indeed experience the grace of finding “the one” you need to know that “the one” will disappoint you at times and make mistakes but, little girl, it’s still a fairy tale and real life fairy tales are so much prettier than the movies. Because scabs, wounds and trials just make us shinier. And they give us stories worth telling.

Also, don’t ever let the magic of a butter, flour, salt and yeast transforming into a luxurious loaf that we then slather with sticky and tart apricot jam not impress you. Stand at the window of the oven with your daughter, someday, and show her that magic. It’s little things like this that add up to a big life.

And finally, thank you. I’m such a better woman because of you, my little girl.

Croissant Loaf // Not Without Salt Croissant Loaf // Not Without Salt



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Croissant Loaf

Disclaimer: This is in no way related to the "cronut" (the extremely popular and hyped croissant/ donut hybrid) although Sarah has lovingly referred to it as the "croloaf". I simply refer to it as the best breakfast I've had in a long time.

I realize that it's not fair to assume that many, if any, of you have extra croissant dough lying around as I did but my hope is that this loaf will entice you enough to tackle the wonderful beast that is croissant dough. It's really not as fussy as you may think. I've found a couple of great sources here and here for you to see the recipe and process. It just takes time - wait time, but in the waiting flavor is developing, gluten is relaxing and all around good things are happening. 

This loaf was born out of scraps and then the second one came because I loved the first so much. I adore croissants, of course I do, but the loaf version gives more surface for jam and then think of the possibilities - a blt served between two slices, french toast, eaten alone straight from the pan. 

So what I have is more idea then straight recipe BUT I also come bearing gifts. 10 to be exact. I was sent the cinnamon grater you see in the photo above from the folks at Cinnamon Hill. I've tried grating my cinnamon on a microplane and in a spice grinder with not much luck. This little grater gives you the fluffiest little specks of the most fragrant cinnamon I've ever had. It's so potent that when I let my kids smell it one little monkey bumped the other monkey who then inhaled the cinnamon. There were tears - now that's fresh. 

I asked the cinnamon people if they'd let me give out a grater and they responded by saying, "let's give 10!" Awesome. So comment here and you're entered. Simple. I'll randomly choose 10 when I get back from a little vacation next week and then 10 of you will get a lovely little cinnamon grater too.

Now, a recipe of sorts.

2 pounds croissant dough

1/2 cup sugar

2 teaspoons or so, freshly grated cinnamon

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon water

Using the scraps from the croissant dough or just cut strips of the dough, lay a few strips in the bottom of a buttered loaf pan. Sprinkle the layer with a bit of sugar and cinnamon. Continue the layering until the pan is 2/3 full.

Cover the pan with plastic wrap or a cloth. Let the dough rise for 1 hour. If the dough was cold this may take longer. Press gently on the dough and when it springs back after you press in it's ready for baking. It should look puffed but still a bit tight.

In a small bowl combine the egg yolk and water and brush on top of the loaf then finish with a bit more sugar.

Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Bake for 1 - 1 hour 15 minutes. If the loaf begins to brown too quickly turn down the oven a bit. It takes this loaf quite a while to bake through.

Let cool on a wire rack in the pan for 10 minutes before inverting and finish cooling.

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Turntable Kitchen Pairings Box Giveaway Tue, 19 Mar 2013 18:11:32 +0000 Read more »]]>

*Thanks to the Random Number Generator we have a winner!! Brandon, from Kitchen Konfidence – CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you so much for all of you who entered. It was so fun to hear from so many of you!

Every time I hear the rumble of a truck roll down our street my heart jumps in my chest. Sometimes it’s the garbage man and that’s just not really that exciting. But there are times when it’s FedEx truck delivering a package. Those are my favorite times. Sort of like a whisper of Christmas even though it’s something I may have ordered for myself and it’s no surprise what’s inside. It rarely matters much what it is I just love getting packages in the mail. Although if the package comes with some nice tunes, three beautiful recipe cards and a fun ingredient to play with in the kitchen – well, then that’s just about the best package I can imagine.

Every month Turntable Kitchen does just that. They turn out stunning little packages and ship them off all over so every one can have their heart jump a little when the delivery guy knocks at the door. It’s a Pairings Box and this month I got the privilege of selecting a special ingredient (one of my current favorites) and creating three recipes to highlight said ingredient. It’s all hush hush, which makes the arrival of the little brown box that much more exciting.

I’m super excited to be able to give one of you the Pairings Box for April. If you’re interested in winning April’s box with my recipes just leave a comment below. I’ll select a winner this weekend.

In the meantime check out Turntable Kitchen (to swoon at that sweet little baby girl!!) and their Pairings Boxes.

I’ll be back soon with recipes, a video and bacon. It’s a great week here.

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