date night – Not Without Salt Delicious Recipes and Food Photography by Ashley Rodriguez. Wed, 11 Aug 2021 20:46:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7109857 Grilled Lamb Salad with Couscous Mon, 10 Apr 2017 22:41:35 +0000 Read more »]]>

*We’re falling into spring with our friends at Chateau St. Jean. This is the first in a series of three springy date night recipes. We’re starting with a Grilled Lamb Salad that is both hearty and light – just what is needed as we slowly move away from long gray days of winter and into light, breezy and nearly warm spring. We’ve paired this recipe with their Cabernet Sauvignon. With aromas of berries and spice it holds up to the lamb quite nicely.

I hate to admit it but it is true what they say about Seattle – it rains, a lot. This year in particular has proven that point beyond what I feel it needs to. We’ve broken many sodden records and recently a headline read “Never-ending gloom? Seattle has had just 3 sunny, mild days since the start of October” That’s right, we have had a collective 30 hours and 51 minutes of sunshine since the beginning of October.

I’ve reached the point in the season where I am desperately ready for the next. I’m ready to feel a bit of sun on my face, get my hands dirty in the garden, wander the beach (without four layers on) and pluck sun-warmed berries off the vines. The roaring fire in the fireplace was once cozy but now I curse it for its necessity.

This morning, Roman was ready for school well before it was time to leave. He put on his hooded rain jacket and favorite baseball hat, grabbed his wooden bat and went outside to practice his swing. I held my coffee cup in tight as I watched him take swing after swing while the rain trickled off the brim of his cap. He turned to the window and saw me watching him with a big grin across my face. His lips curled into a smile, matching mine, before returning to swinging position never once letting the rain slow him down. 

Our marriage has weathered its fair share of seasons. In fact it was in the midst of a season that felt much like our gray, wet late winter days when Gabe and I started dating at home. I had resigned to settle into the season of raising young children while pushing aside our marriage. There will be time for us when they’ve grown I would say to myself but just like Roman out in the rain practicing for sunny days on the ball field, I decided that I couldn’t simply wait for this season to pass and expect that our relationship would be okay at the end of it. We needed to continue to live and invest in one another even – or especially – during the gray. Had we waited for the proper conditions – kids in school, sleeping through the night or even waited until they were out of the house – we would have missed so many beautiful moments together in the midst of children wailing, sharpie sketches on the wall and long sleepless nights. Because we made us a priority even when we felt we had nothing more to give at the end of the day, our relationship thrived in a season where it could have easily shriveled and suffered immensely.

In the kitchen I’m willing spring to come regardless of what it looks like outside. I won’t allow myself to sit around and simply watch the rain streak down my windows while there are delicious things to be enjoyed right now. This hearty yet healthful salad is a tip toe into spring as it’s laced with fragrant herbs and peppery greens. It is indeed decidedly green, which to me is the color of spring with fresh, bright and pungent herbs leading the charge.

If Israeli couscous is tricky to find you could easily substitute it for chickpeas, rice, lentils, quinoa or simply leave it out and serve as a more traditional salad. The same goes for the lamb. I love the gentle gaminess here but chicken, beef, fish or even grilled peppers and zucchini would all be lovely in its place.

Grilled Lamb Salad with Couscous




Yield 2 servings

This salad pairs beautifully with a glass of Chateau St. Jean Cabernet Sauvignon


1 pound lamb shoulder

Salt and pepper

1/2 cup Israeli couscous, cooked until just tender

4 cups assorted spring greens (mustard, arugula, watercress, friseé)

1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved

1/2 cup chopped cucumber

1/3 cup crumbled feta

1/4 cup sliced red onion

Lime wedges

1/2 cup basil and mint leaves


1/2 cup mint leaves, finely minced

1/2 cup basil leaves, finely minced

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

2 tablespoons champagne vinegar

1/2 teaspoon honey

1 teaspoon dijon mustard

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil



Chef 1: Salt and pepper the lamb. Grill or roast until medium-rare, 145°F.

Chef 2: Prepare the dressing by whisking together the herbs, cumin, vinegar, honey, dijon and olive oil. Add a pinch of salt then taste and adjust the seasoning to your tastes.

Chef 1: On a serving platter arrange the greens, then the couscous, tomatoes, cucumber, feta, and onion. Drizzle on some of the dressing then top with the lamb and add more dressing. Top with more fresh herbs and a squeeze of lime.

Chef 2: If the wine hasn’t been poured do so now.

Courses Dinner

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Chanterelle Fondue Mon, 14 Nov 2016 16:19:42 +0000 Read more »]]>

*This post is the second in our series with Chateau St. Jean Winery in Sonoma. Wine and date nights are like peanut butter and jelly; made for each other. So we’re bringing back Date Night In here on the blog with great recipes and wine pairings to make a date night at home something to celebrate.

Our first (and only) fondue pot was green. Looking back perhaps green may not have been the best choice as the cheese that filled its deep bowl took on its olive tone. I thought we needed it. We were newly married and I was just taking a deep dive into my love of food so a fondue pot seemed a necessary investment, both for its promise of romance and heaping amounts of cheese. Somehow I overlooked the fact that we had no money and never ate fondue.

We used it once. The bowl was so large it required pounds of cheese in order to stay molten for longer than five minutes. We never figured out how to keep the tea light from scorching the cheese at the bottom while the top required a knife to cut through. What was suppose to be a romantic meal ended up causing undue stress and lots of leftover cheese. The fondue pot lived in the back of the cupboard before it was moved to the garage and then finally donated to Goodwill along with everybody else’s fondue pots.

But I wasn’t giving up on the idea of sharing a meal of melted cheese with the man I love because nothing says romance like a meal eaten with your hands. Strange? Maybe. To me it feels comfortable and and yes even just a little bit sensual (sorry, kids). It’s a meal made for lingering, for slowly dipping roasted potatoes into melted cheese and cutting the richness with slices of crisp apple. For conversations that outlast the candles on the table and for the evenings when you need the date but don’t care to spend hours in the kitchen.

Two questions always come up when people ask me about my book, Date Night In. What’s your favorite meal in the book? I love them all, truly, but the fried chicken and black pepper biscuit sandwich with the bourbon butterscotch ice cream pie for dessert is probably one of my finest moments. What’s your favorite EASY date night meal? The answer is always fondue. In the book I write about Raclette – a Swiss mountain cheese that requires nothing more than a hot oven and few things for dipping. But when there’s a bit more time (I mean we’re only talking about ten minutes here) I turn to this Roasted Chanterelle Fondue.

chanterelle Chanterelle Fondue

There’s no need to dig into the depths of your cupboard or scour the shelves at Goodwill for a fondue pot – a hearty cast iron skillet or small sauté pan will work. You don’t even need fresh Chanterelles, although that is ideal, dried ones work beautifully or use another favorite mushroom.

I really do love spending hours in the kitchen, folding butter into delicate layers, tenderly whisking olive oil and egg yolks into creamy submission, and watching sugar transform from snow to straw to copper but I also love it when a few ingredients somehow, as if by magic, turn into something that, just for a moment, takes your breath away. I love knowing that I really had so little to do with it, you know? Then I can simply sit back and take it all in as the gift it is and enjoy the company of my date. Sure I’ll take credit as he nods in appreciation, I’ll even let him believe that I worked tirelessly in the kitchen so that he does all the dishes while I slowly finish my wine.

This dish is just how I always want my dates with my husband to feel – special but simple, comfortable yet romantic. Marriage isn’t always easy but dinner can be.



Chanterelle and Gruyere Fondue

Serves 2

Pair with Pinot Noir

6 ounces fresh chanterelles, cleaned and roughly chopped or 1 ounce dried chanterelles

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped shallot

3/4 cup white wine

1/2 tablespoon cornstarch

1/2 pound/ 2 cups grated gruyere

For serving:

Sliced baguette

Roasted potatoes

Slice apple or pears


Dijon mustard

Chef 1: If you’re using dried chanterelles soak them in hot water for 10 minutes then drain.

Chef 2: Roughly chop the chanterelles.

Chef 1: In a medium saucepan sauté the shallots in olive oil until translucent, about 5 minutes over medium high heat. Add the chanterelles along with a hefty pinch of salt and a few grinds of pepper.

Chef 2: In a medium bowl toss the grated gruyere with the cornstarch until evenly coated.

Chef 1: Turn down the heat and carefully add the white wine.

While Chef 1 stirs, Chef 2 slowly adds the cheese, waiting until it melts before adding the next addition.

Chef 1: Add the cheese to a fondue pot, or if that’s not available simply pour the cheese into an oven-safe bowl and rewarm as needed.

Chef 2: Pour two glasses of Pinot Noir.

Serve the fondue with baguette, roasted potatoes, apple and pear slices, cornichons, and dijon.

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