Comments on: Blistered Peas with Crème Fraîche and Poppy Seeds Delicious Recipes and Food Photography by Ashley Rodriguez. Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:38:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rulouri exterioare Thu, 18 Jun 2015 14:58:55 +0000 Wow! It looks great!

By: Ashley Rodriguez Wed, 10 Jun 2015 19:08:31 +0000 Wow, Kim. This makes me so happy to read. I turn to other people’s books for inspiration all the time so to have my book inspire someone else is just so amazing to me. Thank you so much for sharing.

By: Kim Daniels Tue, 09 Jun 2015 20:52:02 +0000 I can so relate to the food rut. But, I am happy to say that thanks to your new book, Date Night In, I am feeling really inspired to try new things and most importantly, plan meals ahead! The last couple months have been rough: busy with end-of school activities, graduation for my oldest son and the stress of family issues left me spent. Dinner was often an afterthought, just things thrown together. Or we resorted to lots of take out pizza. But I ordered your book after reading about it on another blog. I knew I needed a push and I needed to start making more time for my hubby, too. I haven’t bought a real cookbook in ages, but I am so glad I bought yours. It’s so inspiring. I am back in love with making good food again!

By: Lisa @ Healthy Nibbles & Bits Thu, 04 Jun 2015 16:55:34 +0000 My relationship with food has peaks and valleys, too. Sometimes, I just want to cook all day. Then there are those days when I can muster enough energy to cook and end up eating a bowl of cereal. I absolutely love the simplicity of this dish!

By: Anna Thu, 04 Jun 2015 10:09:38 +0000 looks absolutely amazing!!! love how simple it is 🙂

By: Sarah @ SnixyKitchen Wed, 03 Jun 2015 02:57:23 +0000 Gorgeous recipe – this is just the thing to get me out of my cooking rut too. I love the way you put it – your relationship with food takes intention, work and commitment. This is so true yet so easy to forget sometimes. Thanks for inspiring me!

By: Kelly Wed, 03 Jun 2015 00:15:15 +0000 great post and beautiful dish!

By: Ashlyn @ The Pedantic Foodie Tue, 02 Jun 2015 23:53:34 +0000 This looks so good and I love its simplicity! Wonderful post – I loved your words!

By: Amanda Tue, 02 Jun 2015 23:12:00 +0000 That IS inspiring. My own mind is reeling too.

By: mimi Tue, 02 Jun 2015 21:48:19 +0000 Congratulations! I love Frontier! That’s where I get my giant bags of chicken-flavored broth powder – an ingredient I would never be without! Your your beautiful peas!

By: Jessie Snyder | Faring Well Tue, 02 Jun 2015 19:29:13 +0000 Your photography is always so stunning and inspiring – and so is this dish! Just gorgeous. I’ve been in a inspiration rut as well and turn to cookbooks too to learn about new techniques and ingredients – so encouraging every time!

By: Aubrey Tue, 02 Jun 2015 05:57:43 +0000 I just love this idea of blistered peas! I can’t wait for fresh peas to show up at the farmers market!

By: Abby Tue, 02 Jun 2015 02:56:46 +0000 This recipe looks delicious, Ashley, and your photos are perfection. <3

By: Rachel Tilly Tue, 02 Jun 2015 02:53:33 +0000 Ashley, this looks wonderful. I have snow peas, but I don’t have any pea shoots. Do you have a suggestion for a substitution? I have kale and broccolini…

By: Brian @ A Thought For Food Tue, 02 Jun 2015 02:07:10 +0000 I’m right there with you. My relationship with food is always going through ups and downs. Sometimes picking up some fresh produce is just the inspiration I need to get back into it. Or I’ll take an ingredient I don’t work with very often and try to do something with it. Just to get the creative juices going. These peas are full of such wonderful flavors and textures. It’s just the kind of dish that reminds us that vegetarian fare can be bold, in taste, texture, and color.

By: Dena@GatheringFlavors Mon, 01 Jun 2015 22:22:50 +0000 This looks simply delicious.

By: Sasha Swerdloff || TENDING the TABLE Mon, 01 Jun 2015 21:42:03 +0000 I know exactly how you feel. That cooking rut can be so discouraging, but we just have to be patient and wait for it to pass. I find that new cookbooks or ingredients are a great way to break the cycle. And hooray for simple summer meals! I love highlighting the bountiful fruits and vegetables of summer with new salads and sides. And thanks for the stunning photo inspiration as always!

By: Suzy @ The Mediterranean Dish Mon, 01 Jun 2015 19:20:07 +0000 Great post, Ashley! Was so excited to read that you are exploring Egyptian cooking; and even more thrilled to hear you call the cuisine of my childhood “exotic.”
But I so appreciate your honesty about your relationship with food, and the peaks and valleys you experience. I can absolutely relate!

By: Emily Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:53:55 +0000 This looks absolutely decadent and so simple! What a beautiful spring dish!!

By: Rebecca@Figs and Pigs Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:46:00 +0000 Looks simple, fresh and wonderfully tasty. That photo of the poppy seeds is awesome.
